Large Companies

Energy Diagnosis for large Copanies

Companies "with high energy consumption" and companies that cannot be qualified as PMI (pursuant to the Ministerial Decree of 18 April 2005) and which are therefore to be considered large companies are subject to the Energy Diagnosis obligation (Legislative Decree 102 / 2014).
This is a systematic procedure aimed at obtaining adequate knowledge of the energy consumption profile of a building (or group of buildings), of an industrial or commercial activity or plant or of public or private services, identifying and quantifying the energy saving opportunities under the cost-benefit profile to report on the results
CPMS also carries out this activity which, beyond the obligations imposed by the aforementioned Decree and therefore by a European directive, represents a concrete opportunity to save, improve processes, improve its image with respect to the competition and have access to incentives national and European tax laws.
The main objective of corporate energy diagnosis is to understand which are the best interventions that can reduce waste in order to optimize the costs / benefits of redevelopment interventions.
Energy Diagnosis is also performed for organizations that intend to certify their energy management system according to UNI CEI EN ISO 50001.

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